miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

The Role of Women in United States of America


The Role of Women in United States of America

Women is United States of America enjoy more freedom and independence than woman of others countries. Perhaps not always was in that way. After 20th century the motherhood and wifehood were the most important professions than women could have. But women fought for their rights and they got the right of vote, increase their education, job opportunities and also they got a reevaluation of their role in the society.

We need to keep in mind that historically women were considered the weaker sex or in other words “weaker than men”. That statement created differences in a lot of ways and topics about women life and treats. In some countries and cultures that thought is consider right.

The only education that women had before was to learn of their mothers how to cook, how to clean and also how to be a good mom, and when women could go to the school the results were very bad because young girls were without motivation because nobody expects nothing else that they had to be housewife and mothers. 

But now this had been many changes, at he end of the 19th century women were accepted in regular colleagues and universities so in 1970 the fifty per cent that the students of these centers were women and then continue increase with the  ages. And now in the actually there is an equally in all senses of the educations.

In work, the only acceptable occupation for the women who want to work were in the factory labor and domestic work because they had been excluded of all professions except of teaching and writing. For medical professions only could do as a obstetrician, but in the beginning of the 19th century the required educational preparation, especially for medial profession, increased, so this prevent young woman to marriage and have many children for can study and prepare for their professionals career.

Another fight was on the world of politics, fight for vote and representation. The role of woman in politics always had been minimal but after a lot of strikes and protest American women won the right of vote in 1920. But only in 1984 a majority choose Geraldine Ferraro of New York for be elected vice-president. And the first black woman elected was Shirley Chisholm in 1968. Nowadays women had many important roles in the politics.

American women have changed the mentality of men, the point of view to them. And they made that changes fighting for their ideals and rights. Getting the goals was slow and frustrating but they show strength and keep fighting until they get what they want. They change the mind of the country and now American women are consider as reference to women in other countries.

19 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. It's incredible that men used to call us the weak sex when women are the ones that birth kids and the ones who are able to do more than one thing at the time! But having in mind that this thought has changed through time, I won’t refer myself to this. So, it’s important to have in mind that in every country the role of women was almost the same in every part of the world, but surely a big step in every country for women, was to reach the right to vote, which is an incredible step of progress, but above all is the major indicator of women’s rights.
    Cam.Martínez ღ

  3. It's incredible how the role of the women in U.S.A had changed. They started like the weak sex that was thought of men at that time, because I don't belive that women were weak come on they got married,they have kids, they rose them. Nowadays women have and icredible role in the society, in politics, at work and as a mother.
    American women are the inspiration for many women around the world. They love the freedom that today have, that strenght to do things beyond, not losing her vitality of being women.
    Clau Briones ♡

  4. I'm very interested in your blog, the information you've given is interesting. It is important to know the progress of the women rights in a big country. Hernán Olivares

  5. It's so cool what women have achieved in U.S.A. They were treated badly, but now they are living almost as equal as men are. This is cool!! Felipe ☺

  6. American women are the best example to follow! Irina

  7. I 'm glad to read about it,that what women have changed all over the world...Interestinng blog!
    regards,Kathy Herrera.

  8. I'm very proud of American women, because they are an example for the rest of women around the world through their fight. Noelia Avendaño.

  9. It's wonderful to know how women have faught through time. I am proud because I think that everybody has rights, the gender doesn´t matter. We are people, that is really important

    I loved the shoe!! xD!!!
    Lily Vega.

  10. It's strange to think of USA as a country a little sexist, but it was! What matters is that today is known for being one of the most liberal countries in terms of women is all about!
    Loretto Torres.

  11. American's women in the past had a typical role in their society. Learn what their mothers did. Now days, this role is according to the progress that they have been in their country.

    Posted by Daniela.

  12. Even though I am a women, in a physical way, I do believe women are weak. There are some jobs that men can do better than women as there are some the women can do better than men. When we talk about intelligence, I think both can be the same. If you say that women are better and all that I think you are doing just what men did. The thing here is to look for equal rights but not all the rights to women and zero for men. That would be the same.

    Consuelo Jorratt M.

  13. Countries should to copy this one, because they are care about the women's rights and have to be of that way, women are necesary in all societies around the world!

    Ariel Correa "The best"

  14. Even if U.S.A. is like a monster (like anybody says)mmm I think is a monster that maybe the people should copy in come context like this.! the women's role... As a country they got meny equal rights, their culture is good and anybody is free to do whatever they want, no matter what thay want to do, no matter who they want to do with or no matter when they want to do it.

    -Carla Aguirre Sotelo -


  16. I like that mentality because women are free to do any thing we don't have to forget that U,S was one of the nations where the movement for women's right was born and is logical to think that they have a wider point of view about women's right they analise it seeing that women take a role not only in their homes in economy specially in their system which has a strong protestant ethic which is linked with the capitalism
    Anyela Salgado

  17. I think that in every country the women`s role was almost the same ,so I can understand that in USA happened exactly the same,like in every country everything has been evolving, because nowadays women have more oportunities and almost the same rights of men,but i agree that women overthere many years ago ,had the only education that was to learn of their mothers, how to cook or things like that but definetely I dont share that.
    Dominique G

  18. In my opinion they have more liberties than any other woman in a country but it doesn’t mean that this will be easier for her, because like any other country, woman has had to fight to get the same political rights that a man and for being at the same level.
    I really think that they’re an example to follow for every woman to think that a woman is not capable of being independent, strong and intelligent.
    Carla Pino

  19. american women are unique, in the sense that they live in a democratic society , and this means that they have equality to live, to educate and to be considered as important as men,but it's also important to mention thay they had to fight strongly to be where they are now.
    Mauricio Araos
